Parliamentary Services
Technical Assistance service to prepare a Terms of Reference for the Consolidation of Laws Project
RFT: CK181932
Parliamentary Services, with support from Crown Law Office, wishes to obtain a Technical Assistance service for the first phase of the consolidation of laws in the Cook Islands on behalf of the Cook Islands Government.
Interested suppliers are requested to submit a proposal to undertake the scope of works outlined within the RFT.
Tenderers should ensure they are registered accordingly on the Cook Islands Government E-Government Procurement portal at: https://in– and have downloaded or received all files for the RFT including all prospective notices.
Tenders close at 4pm, 31 July 2019 (CKT) and must be submitted as per the requirements of the RFT.
All enquiries to be directed to:
Kathy Bell
Phone: + (682) 29 337
Download Tender Documents Below:
Notice to Tenderer:
NTT-001 [uploaded 11:18am (CI Time), Tuesday 9th July 2019]
NTT-002 [uploaded 07:03pm (CI Time), Sunday 28th July 2019]