REF IDName of AgencyTitle of ProjectType of TenderSuccessful TendererAmount$ (Excl. VAT)Quarter
CK222309Ministry of TransportCook Islands Upper-Air Observing SystemOpen TenderMeteorological Service of New Zealand (MetService)Base Contract (excluding consumables): $417,055.502nd Quarter 2023/2024
CK222305Ministry of EducationMoE 2023 LaptopsOpen TenderPB Technologies Ltd$139,640.003rd Quarter 2022/2023
CK212204Ministry of TransportConsultancy Contract - Cook Islands Land Transport PolicyOpen TenderBeca International Consultants Limited$201,090.453rd Quarter 2022/2023
CK212217Te Aponga UiraPower Cable Installation Project (Matavera Sub to Titam Sub)Open TenderT&M Heather$198,994.401st Quarter 2022/2023
CK212216Cook Islands Investment CorporationMinistry of Justice Accessibility ImprovementsOpen TenderPhoenix Elevators Ltd$43,985.001st Quarter 2022/2023
CK212215Infrastructure Cook IslandsTakitumu School Road Upgrade Project - Supply of Guardrail FencingOpen TenderTropex Exports Ltd$80,747.251st Quarter 2022/2023
CK212214Infrastructure Cook IslandsRarotonga Road Renewal and Improvement Closed TenderTriad Pacific Petroleum Ltd$6,121,009.004th Quarter 2021/2022
CK212213Infrastructure Cook IslandsSupply of Water Tanks and Fittings for PenrhynOpen TenderCook Islands Building Supplies Ltd$145,761.584th Quarter 2021/2022
CK212212Cook Islands Investment CorporationSenior Asset Management AdvisorOpen TenderGforce Consultants$141,350.001st Quarter 2022/2023
CK212210Cook Islands Investment CorporationTe Tautua Medical Centre ConstructionClosed TenderLandholdings Ltd$1,576,551.004th Quarter 2021/2022
CK212209Cook Islands Investment CorporationMental Health Facility Construction Open TenderLandholdings Ltd$724,341.203rd Quarter 2021/2022
CK_212209Ministry of EducationMinistry of Education - ICT Office EquipmentOpen TenderPB Technologies Ltd$241,725.003rd Quarter 2021/2022
CK212207Cook Islands Investment CorporationMental Health Facility Electrical ServicesClosed TenderAndersons Ltd$96,332.603rd Quarter 2021/2022
CK212201Ministry of Marine ResourcesLegal Adviser (Legislation Project)Open TenderMathilda Tairea$60,000.004th Quarter 2021/2022
CK192028Ministry of Health Supply of Oxygen Plant Piping from Oxygen Plant to Rarotonga Hospital WardsClosed TenderAndersons Ltd$296,0004th Quarter 2019/2020
CK192032Ministry of Health 1. Supply of Computer Tomography
Scan (CT Scan)
2. Supply of Picture Archiving
Computer System (PACS)
Closed TenderSiemens Healthcare Ltd$1,300,579.001st Quarter 2019/2020
CK192008Office of the Prime MinisterICT Project Manager
Open Tender
3rd Quarter 2019/2020
CK192005Ministry of Education
2019 LAPTOP Tender
Open TenderPB Technologies Ltd, NZ
2nd Quarter 2019/2020
CK192012Infrastructure Cook Islands
1st Quarter 2019/2020
CK192021Infrastructure Cook Islands
Rarotonga Drainage Culvert Replacement & Improvements
Open TenderCivil Contractors Ltd
1st Quarter 2019/2020
CK192020Infrastructure Cook Islands
Supply of Skid-steer Loader and Implements
Open TenderCook Islands Motor Centre Ltd
4th Quarter 2019/2020
CK192023Infrastructure Cook Islands
Rarotonga Bridges and Structures, Maintenance and Improvements
Open TenderArama & Associates Ltd
4th Quarter 2019/2020
CK192030Infrastructure Cook Islands
Nassau Harbour Improvement - Design Services
Open TenderHoskoning Australia Pty Ltd
4th Quarter 2019/2020
CK192015Cook Islands Investment Corporation
Demolition of Old Justice Building
Open TenderT&M Heather Ltd
2nd Quarter 2019/2020
CK192011Cook Islands Investment Corporation
MFEM Modular Offices
Open TenderLandholdings Ltd
2nd Quarter 2019/2020
CK192022Infrastructure Cook IslandsPenrhyn Island Cyclone Centres ConstructionOpen TenderCivil Contractors Limited$5,312,016.002nd Quarter 2019/2020
CK192010Infrastructure Cook IslandsAvatiu Punanganui Market Bridge ReplacementOpen TenderLandholdings Ltd$3,640,143.081st Quarter 2019/2020
CK192009Ministry of Finance and Economic ManagementMaterial for Site A and site of the Te Mato Vai Stage 1 Remediation ProjectClosed TenderTropex Exports Ltd $661,973.75
1st Quarter 2019/2020
CK192007Ministry of Finance and Economic ManagementTMV – Stage 1 Remediation ProjectClosed TenderLandholdings Ltd$11,182,680.734th Quarter 2019/2020
CK192004Ports AuthorityTender New Tug for Avatiu HabourOpen TenderTory Channel Contractors Boats Limited$1,073,158.004th Quarter 2019/2020
CK192005Ministry of Education2019 Laptop TenderOpen TenderPB Technologies Ltd$125,539.142nd Quarter 2019/2020
CK192001Airport Authority Cook IslandsRUNWAY REINSTATEMENT PLAN FOR RAROTONGA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, COOK ISLANDSOpen TenderBeca International Consultants Ltd, NZ$128,5001st Quarter 2019/2020
CK181902Ministry of Marine Resources
R2R Survey Boat
Open TenderRarotonga Welding & Steel Construction Ltd
4th Quarter 2018/2019
CK181923Infrastructure Cook IslandsTereora Drainage Improvement Open TenderLandholdings$782,201.804th Quarter 2018/2019
CK181922Ministry of Finance and Economic ManagementMei Te Vai Ki Te Vai - Business CaseOpen TenderCastalia$85,000.004th Quarter 2018/2019
CK181919Infrastructure Cook IslandsRarotonga Road MarkingOpen TenderRoad Markers NZ Ltd$455,900.004th Quarter 2018/2019
CK181917Infrastructure Cook IslandsPenrhyn Cyclone Centres - Design ServicesOpen TenderCalibre Consulting Ltd$96,750.004th Quarter 2018/2019
CK181914Infrastructure Cook IslandsAtiu Road Upgrade - Purchase and Supply of BitumenOpen TenderTechnix Pacific Ltd$107,840.003rd Quarter 2018/2019
CK181911Ministry of Finance and Economic Management Beach Nourishment at Nukupure Park and Erosion Protection at Vaiterenga Stream Open TenderS & T Contractors$108,027.903rd Quarter 2018/2019
CK181910Cook Islands Tourism CorporationCook Islands Tourism Crisis Management PlanOpen TenderTRC Tourism Ltd$40,000.001st Quarter 2019/2020
CK181909Cook Islands Investment Corporation Nukutere College Rebuild ProjectOpen TenderLandholdings LtdStage 1 Fee: $33,145.15
Stage 2 Fee: $79,570.00
Stage 2 Construction Works: $748,444.00
3rd Quarter 2018/2019
CK181908 Infrastructure Cook Islands Avatiu Stream Embankment Stabilisation Open TenderLandholdings Ltd$660,120.004th Quarter 2018/2019
CK202116Infrastructure Cook IslandsRarotonga Coastal & Flood Hazard Mitigation Data Collection (LiDAR)Open TenderWoolpert, Inc$2,324,7513rd Quarter 2021/2022
CK181906 Airport Authority Cook Islands Development of an Airport Master Plan for Rarotonga International AirportOpen TenderAirbiz Aviation Strategies$186,8002nd Quarter 2018/2019
CK181904 Ministry of Education 2018 LAPTOP TenderOpen TenderPB Technologies$79,055.002nd Quarter 2018/2019
CK181903 Ministry of Education2018 iPad TenderOpen TenderPB Technologies$55,300.092nd Quarter 2018/2019
CK171832 Ministry of Finance and Economic ManagementCIG 1718 Vehicle TenderOpen TenderPart B: Intracor Trading
Part E: Cook Islands Motor Centre
Part B: $19,050.00

Part E: $42,956.52
1st Quarter
CK171827Infrastructure Cook IslandsRarotonga Road MaintenanceOpen TenderTriad Pacific Petrolium Ltd$445,324.002nd Quarter
CK171815Office of the Prime Minister Rarotonga Battery Energy Storage Systems "Airport South" and "Power Station" under Cook Islands Renewable Energy Sector Project (COO46453-002) - Phase 2 (Rarotonga)Open TenderVector LimitedUS$3,802,775 and NZ$1,945,5222nd Quarter 2018/2019
CK171823Infrastructure Cook IslandsPalmerston Island Cyclone ShelterOpen TenderLandholdings Limited$1,558,642.002nd Quarter 2018/2019
CK171830Airport Authority Cook IslandsSupply and Install Incinerator SystemOpen TenderAndersons Ltd.$176,542.951st Quarter 2018/2019
CK171820Infrastructure Cook IslandsRarotonga Bridge and Structure MaintenanceOpen TenderLandholdings Ltd.$582,571.821st Quarter 2018/2019
CK171817Office of the Prime Minister Aitutaki Renewable Energy System under Cook Islands Renewable Energy Sector Project (COO46453-002) Phase 2– (Aitutaki)Open Tender
Powersmart Limited NZ$2,070,212.4th Quarter 2017/2018
CK171824Ministry of TransportDevelopment and Implementation of the Ministry of Transport Quality Management SystemOpen TenderGHD Ltd.$78,928.004th Quarter 2017/2018
CK171814Airport Authority Cook IslandsSupply and Installation of a Fire Station Sectional Garage DoorsOpen TenderGlideaway Door System$112,640.003rd Quarter 2017/2018
CK171819Ministry of Finance and Economic ManagementPublic Expenditure of the Economic, Social and Environment SectorsOpen TenderSapere Research$203,860.003rd Quarter 2017/2018
CK171812Ministry of EducationSupply of Stationery 2018Open TenderCroxley Stationery Ltd$172,131.902nd Quarter 2017/2018
CK171811Te Aponga UiraService Contract: Power Cable Replacement Project Open TenderT&M Heather Ltd.$717,655.103rd Quarter 2017/2018
CK171809Infrastructure Cook IslandsEmpire Bridge Replacement - Design ServicesOpen TenderLandholdings Ltd.$34,000.003rd Quarter 2017/2018
CK171807Ministry of Internal AffairsCook Islands Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) National ReformOpen TenderShaw Idea PTY Ltd.$382,620.003rd Quarter 2017/2018
CK171806Ministry of Education2017 Supply of LaptopsOpen TenderIntracor Commodity Exports Ltd$77,000.002nd Quarter 2017/2018
CK171805Ministry of Education2017 Supply of IPAD'sOpen TenderCook Islands Printing Services Ltd (Option 1)$49,927.352nd Quarter 2017/2018
CK171804Office of the Prime MinisterStage Two Northern Group Community Water Catchment and Storage Upgrade: Supply of MaterialsOpen TenderS1 & S3 - Cook Islands Building Suppliers$140,185.97
2nd Quarter 2017/2018
CK171804Office of the Prime MinisterStage Two Northern Group Community Water Catchment and Storage Upgrade: Supply of MaterialsOpen TenderS2 - Cook Islands Trading Corporation Ltd.$48,439.302nd Quarter 2017/2018
CK171803Office of the Prime MinisterStage Two Northern Group Community Water Catchment and Storage Upgrade: Design and Installation of Water Tank Lids Open TenderAluminium and Stainless Steel Marine Construction Ltd.$146,500.902nd Quarter 2017/2018
CK171813Ministry of Finance and Economic ManagementAEOI Common Reporting SystemClosed TenderDigiMap Limited, Guernsey$341,500.002nd Quarter 2017/2018
161731Infrastructure Cook IslandsRutaki Foreshore Feasibility Study ProjectOpen TenderTonkin & Taylor International Ltd$48,500.004th Quarter
161730Office of the Prime MinisterMauke Fishing Boats Project: Supply and Delivery of Boats Trailers and Accessories Open TenderRarotonga Welding & Steel Construction Ltd$92,250.004th Quarter
161728Ministry of Education2017 Photocopier Tender Open TenderThe Computer Man$208,683.004th Quarter
161727Ministry of Education2017 Printer TenderOpen TenderThe Computer Man$97,446.454th Quarter
161726Infrastructure Cook IslandsPurchase and Supply of Hiab Truck for Mangaia Island GovernmentOpen TenderMainline Group$219,100.001st Quarter 2016/2017
161725Infrastructure Cook IslandsPurchase and Supply of HV Transport Trailers for Mangaia and Atiu Island GovernmentsOpen TenderAndersons Ltd$93,492.002nd Quarter 2016/2017
161724Infrastructure Cook IslandsPurchase and Supply of Galvanized Steel Water Tank for Mitiaro Island GovernmentOpen TenderRarotonga Welding & Steel Construction Ltd$106,469.954th Quarter
161723Infrastructure Cook IslandsPurchase and Supply of a Large Boat and Outboard MotorsOpen TenderRarotonga Welding & Steel Construction Ltd$137,765.004th Quarter
161716Infrastructure Cook IslandsRAROTONGA ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, TAKUVAINE TO AVATIU - CONTRACT No. C16-12Open TenderTriad Pacific Petroleum Ltd $2,197,810.003rd Quarter
161715Ministry of Education2016 Ipad Mini TenderOpen TenderSouth Austral Pty Ltd$24,191.802nd Quarter 2016/2017
161714Ministry of Education2016 Laptop TenderOpen TenderD&A Solutions Ltd$85,064.002nd Quarter 2016/2017
161713Office of the Prime MinisterMitiaro Household Water Tanks Project: Supply and Delivery of MaterialsOpen TenderCook Islands Building Supplies Ltd$81,837.454th Quarter 2016/2017
161712Ministry of Education2017 School Stationery and ConsumablesOpen TenderCroxley Stationery LTD$157,196.062nd Quarter 2016/2017
161712Ministry of Education2017 School Stationery and ConsumablesOpen TenderComputer Man Ltd$18,003.682nd Quarter 2016/2017
161711Infrastructure Cook IslandsTAKUVAINE STREAM ROCK GABIOIN WALL PROJECTOpen TenderS&T Contractors Ltd$20,9524th Quarter 2016/2017
161710Infrastructure Cook IslandsAvatiu Valley Bridge Improvements and Stream Embankment Stabilization ProjectOpen TenderArama & Associates Ltd$253,828.882nd Quarter 2016/2017
161708Office of the Prime MinisterRarotonga Battery Energy Storage System under Cook Islands Renewable Energy Sector Project (COO46453-002) – Phase 2 (Rarotonga)Open TenderMpower Pacific$4,268,243.002nd Quarter 2016/2017
161707Office of the Prime MinisterElectrical distribution system MV and LV upgrade for Mauke and Mitiaro Islands under Cook Islands Renewable Energy Sector Project Phase 1Open TenderNETCon Limited$4,286,543.002nd Quarter 2016/2017
161703Ministry of Finance and Economic ManagementRequest for Tender for the Provision of Contractor Services to the Manihiki Lagoon Clean-Up Project Open TenderPacific Divers$344,471.502nd Quarter 2016/2017
161702Cook Islands Investment CorporationTereora College Stage 1 Demolition and EarthworksOpen TenderLandholdings Ltd$315,850.001st Quarter 2016/2017
161701Cook Islands Investment CorporationREQUEST FOR TENDERS - Client Representative-Technical Specialist, Apii Nikao RebuildOpen TenderAJ Herman Consult$75, $75 & $6501st Quarter 2016/2017
151648Cook Islands Investment CorporationREQUEST FOR TENDERS - Tereora College Stage 1 worksOpen TenderLandholdings Ltd$10,993,2822nd Quarter 2016/2017
151628Ministry of EducationDevelopment of Models and Recommendations on Medium Term Infrastructure Plans for the Education Sector in the Cook IslandsOpen TenderMacMath Partnership$29,440.003rd Quarter 2015/2016
151624Ministry of HealthPublic Expenditure Review on HealthOpen TenderHealth Specialists Cook Islands Ltd$65,0003rd Quarter 2015/2016
151621Ministry of Finance and Economic ManagementEvaluation Services Air New Zealand UnderwriteOpen TenderMarket Economics Ltd$58,090 plus expenses up to $11,0003rd Quarter 2015/2016
151615Ministry of Finance and Economic ManagementMaritime Technical Support for the Ministry of TransportOpen TenderThompson Clarke Shipping Pty Ltd250,4002nd Quarter 2015/2016
151614Ministry of Finance and Economic ManagementTrasnportation of Agricultural Equipments and Raw Materials to the Pa EnuaOpen TenderTaio Shipping LimitedTBCTBC
151613Ministry of Education2016 School Stationery and ConsumablesOpen TenderCroxley Stationery Ltd & Cook Islands Printing Services$150,008.94 & $23,246.92nd Quarter 2015/2016
151611Ministry of HealthOperating TableOpen TenderOPRITECH NZ Ltd165,605.872nd Quarter 2015/2016
151610Office of the Prime MinisterFinance SpecialistOpen TenderMFEM200,0002nd Quarter 2015/2016
151609Ministry of Education2015 IPAD MINIOpen TenderTiare Moana Ltd1149042nd Quarter 2015/2016
151608Ministry of Education2015 Laptop TenderOpen TenderTiare Moana Ltd2nd Quarter 2015/2016
151606Ministry of Finance Economic ManagementEvaluation and Reporting ServicesOpen TenderAkairo Consulting6,7202nd Quarter 2015/2016
151605Ministry of Internal AffairsPurchase of cargo truckOpen TenderPickering Motors Ltd46,6952nd Quarter 2015/2016
151604Te Mato VaiMaterials for the Commisioning of the Ringmain for the Te Mato Vai project Stage 1Open TenderPacific Trades and Services Ltd222,535.242nd Quarter 2015/2016
151603Office of the Prime MinisterSupply of Solar Modules for the Cook Islands GovernmentClosed TenderStella Environment Science Corporation3,350,0002nd Quarter 2015/2016
151602Airport AuthorityFor the Supply of an Instrument Landing System for Rarotonga International Airport, Cook IslandsOpen TenderIndra Australia Pty Limited1,072,8402nd Quarter 2015/2016
151601Ministry of Finance and Economic ManagementRecruitment of a Maritime Technical Advisor for the Ministry of TransportOpen TenderNONENONENONE
ADB1501Ministry of Finance and Economic Management Renewable Energy Sector Project – Project Owner EngineerOpen TenderEntura$1,322,578.003rd Quarter 2014/2015
141547Te Aponga UiraTAU New Power House Platform Civil WorksOpen TenderLandholdings LtdTBCTBC
141546Infrastructure Cook IslandsPurchase and Supply of ICI Bitumen TruckOpen TenderNONENONENONE
141545Ministry of HealthOxygen PlantOpen TenderMaclean Services Co Ltd & Rarotonga Plumbing Contractors Ltd$97,663.79 & $12,787.752nd Quarter 2015/2016
141544Infrastructure Cook IslandsBuilding CodeOpen TenderNOT RECEIVED YETNOT RECEIVED YETNOT RECEIVED YET
141543Office of the Prime MinisterMauke ChillerOpen TenderNONENONENONE
141542Ministry of Finance and Economic ManagementConstruction of an Audio-Visual Room for the Ministry of Cultural DevelopmentOpen TenderLandholdings LtdTBCTBC
141541Ministry of Finance and Economic ManagementSupply of Emergency Safety Equipment for the Ministry of Marine ResourcesOpen TenderPacific DiversTBCTBC
141540Ministry of Finance and Economic ManagementAV Equipment TenderOpen TenderDigital Video Technologies$178,300.001st Quarter 2015/2016
141538Ministry of Finance and Economic ManagementFinance Development ManagerOpen TenderRE-TENDEREDRE-TENDEREDRE-TENDERED
141537Ministry of HealthHaematology Instruments & Ultrasound EquipmentOpen TenderRoche Diagnostics NZ Ltd$85,000 & $25,0001st Quarter 2015/2016
141536Office of the Prime MinisterTamarua Household Water TankOpen TenderCITC Building Centre44,192.731st Quarter 2015/2016
141535Infrastructure Cook IslandsPurchase and Supply of Atiu Tip TruckOpen TenderCook Islands General Transport Ltd$99,717.001st Quarter 2015/2016
141534Ministry of Finance and Economic ManagementProject Management of the Southern Cook Islands Renewable Energy ProgrammeOpen TenderRomani KatoaTBCTBC
141533Ministry of TransportCLEWS Supply and Training for the installation, operation and maintenance of an automatic weather stationOpen TenderNONENONENONE
141532Office of the Prime MinisterAtiu Power Upgrade Project - Supply and Delivery of Electrical MaterialsOpen TenderTransnet NZ Ltd$244,7061st Quarter 2015/2016
141531Office of the Prime MinisterEnvironmental Specialist Consultancy ServiceOpen TenderTe Enua, Te Moana E Te Rangi (EMR) Consulting GroupTBCTBC
141530Cook Islands PoliceSearch and Rescue BoatOpen TenderNaiad Inflatable's (Ltd)$55,339.003rd Quarter 2014/2015
141529Office of the Prime MinisterAtiu Power Upgrade Project - High Voltage Electrical EquipmentOpen TenderABB Limited61,4801st Quarter 2015/2016
141528Ministry of Finance and Economic ManagementReport on Cook Islands Banks Operating in the NZ Payments SystemOpen TenderBuddle Findlay$45-$50,0004th Quarter 2014/2015
141527Ministry of Education2015 School Laptop TenderOpen TenderRE-TENDEREDRE-TENDEREDRE-TENDERED
141526Ministry of Education2015 School Server SystemOpen TenderNONENONENONE
141525Ministry of HealthImmo Assay Analyser and LaparascopeOpen TenderRoche Diagnostics NZ Ltd & Karl Storz Endoscopy$79,000 & $175,842.554th Quarter 2014/2015
141524Infrastructure Cook IslandsConstruction of Fuel Depot Concrete Bunding PlatformOpen TenderMaoate Contractors Ltd$92,9323rd Quarter 2014/2015
141523Infrastructure Cook IslandsSupply and Fabrication of Fuel Tanks - Aitutaki Power SupplyOpen TenderRarotonga Welding & Steel Construction Ltd165,3693rd Quarter 2014/2015
141522Infrastructure Cook IslandsSanitation Upgrade ProgrammeOpen TenderTBCTBCTBC
141521Te Mato VaiService for the supervision of Te Mato Vai Project Stage 2 Construction TMV-RFP .001/2015Open TenderGHD LtdTBCTBC
141520Ministry of Finance and Economic ManagementInternal Audit FunctionOpen TenderDarling LimitedTBCTBC
141519Infrastructure Cook IslandsSupply and Installation of Atiu CrusherOpen TenderSanland Equipment Ltd498,0003rd Quarter 2014/2015
141518Cook Islands Tourism CorporationsAre Tapaeanga Project - Avatiu Western Basin MarinaOpen TenderRVK Contractors Ltd269,5583rd Quarter 2014/2015
141517Office of the Prime MinisterTender for Computer System UpgradeOpen TenderSummerfield Systems & HiTech Ltd$98,000 and $105,818.4 3rd Quarter 2014/2015
141517Te Mato VaiConstruction/rehabilitation of water intakes, treatment plants, shortage, trunkmain pipelines and road improvementsOpen TenderHawkins Infrastucture LimitedTBCTBC
141516Ministry of Finance and Economic ManagementDistribution of Equipment, Machinery and Materials TenderOpen TenderTBCTBCTBC
141515Ministry of Finance and Economic ManagementServices for the Supervision of Te Mato Vai Project Stage 2 Construction. Construction TMV RFP .003/2014Open TenderGHD Ltd2,696,2512nd Quarter 2014/2015
141514Cook Islands Investment CorporationAvatea Hall ImprovementsOpen TenderLand Holdings Ltd329,6982nd Quarter 2014/2015
141513Cook Islands Investment CorporationApii Nikao Site PreparationOpen TenderLand Holdings Ltd130,8612nd Quarter 2014/2015
141512Te Aponga UiraPower House Generation ProjectOpen TenderTBCTBCTBC
141511Cook Islands Airport AuthoritySupply of Roof Mounted Photovoltaic Systems for Rarotonga International AirportOpen TenderSolar 3000$102,000 per annum in rental revenue to the Airport Authority 1st Quarter 2015/2016
141510Ministry of Finance and Economic ManagementAccredidation of Water Tank SuppliersOpen TenderCook Islands Building Supplies Ltd, Cook Islands Trading Corporation and Samoa Superior Supply Poly Product.Based on individual supplier.3rd Quarter 2014/2015
141509Cook Islands Airport AuthorityFire Appliance VehicleOpen TenderFraser Fire and Rescue Ltd787,0352nd Quarter 2014/2015
141508Ministry of Marine ResourcesEnvironmental Impact Assessment of discarded pearl farming equipment and other debris within Manihiki Lagoon, and a Feasibility/Cost Benefit StudyOpen TenderGHD Limited58,5932nd Quarter 2014/2015
141507Cook Islands Investment CorporationPrincess Anne Hall and BCI Stadium Embarkment Bathroom UpgradesOpen TenderLand Holdings Ltd316,6262nd Quarter 2014/2015
141506Ministry of EducationMinistry of Education
School Stationery and Consumables Tender
Open TenderCroxley Stationery Ltd & The Computer Man$126,931.64 and $14,417.522nd Quarter 2014/2015
141505Infrastructure Cook IslandsProject City Road ConstructionOpen TenderTBCTBCTBC
141504Ministry of Finance and Economic ManagementLoan Repayment TenderOpen TenderANZ Banking Group Ltd & Bancorp Treasury Services LtdVaries depending on services provided.3rd Quarter 2014/2015
141503Infrastructure Cook IslandsPURCHASE AND Supply of Bobcat forPukapuka IslandOpen TenderCook Islands Motor Centre79,4992nd Quarter 2014/2015
141502Infrastructure Cook IslandsSludge Management Assessment for Rarotonga & AitutakOpen TenderTBCTBCTBC
141501Cook Islands Investment CorporationProcurement of Mangaia School BusOpen TenderCook Islands Motor Centre72,2052nd Quarter 2014/2015