Request for Tenders
Senior Asset Management Advisor
The Cook Islands Investment Corporation (CIIC) wishes to engage with a consultant to support the delivery of the Asset Management program. This RFT is for a lump-sum / fixed price contract. Tenderers must apply for the entire service contract.
Prospective tenderers should register their interest to participate in this RFT process by registering on the Cook Islands Government E-Government Procurement (e-GP) portal at:
The RFT is issued under category 80000000 Management and Business Professionals and Administrative Services.
Tenderers should ensure they are registered and have downloaded or received all files for this RFT including all prospective notices. Tenders must be submitted electronically through the e-GP portal.
Key Dates:
Deadline for submission of questions to RFT: | 3pm (CI Time) Tuesday 3 March 2022 |
Deadline for submission of tenders to RFT: | 3pm (Cl Time) Wednesday 9 March 2022 |
Any questions relating to this RFT should be emailed to