RFT – Supply of Bitumen and Adhesive
Infrastructure Cook Islands (ICI) seeks to procure a suitable supplier to undertake the supply of Bitumen and Adhesive required for the upcoming road reconditioning and upgrading works on the Island of Mauke, Cook Islands.
Prospective tenderers should ensure they are registered accordingly on the Cook Islands Government E-Government Procurement portal at https://in-tendhost.co.uk/adbprocurementnetwork/aspx/Home, and have downloaded or received all files for the RFT including all prospective notices. Files can also be obtained here (RFT Supply of Bitumen and Adhesive – FINAL) or below.
Tenders close at 12:00pm (mid-day), 24 February 2021, and must be submitted as per the requirements of the RFT.
All Enquiries to be directed to: Memory Vainerere-Patia
Contact Officer
Email: memory.patia@cookislands.gov.ck
Phone: +682 20321