The Ministry of Finance and Economic Management (MFEM) is purchasing a Landing Craft Vessel (vessel) for the Cook Islands and invites Expressions of Interest (EOI) from experienced companies interested in operating the vessel on behalf of Government. The vessel will be based in Rarotonga and operate within Cook Islands waters providing shipping services to and from the Pa Enua. Terms of Reference for this EOI can be obtained from MFEM using the contact details below.
The EOI must include the following minimum information:
- The company name, address, contact details.
- A copy of the company corporate structure statement.
- Demonstrated evidence of recent shipping experience and expertise.
- Details of proposed operating crew, qualifications.
- Price for providing crew services, including salaries, on-costs, overheads, company return.
- Dangerous Goods handling and storage expertise.
- List of contactable referees.
Interested parties are requested to submit an EOI via email to or by hand to the 2nd Floor, MFEM Office Building, Avarua before 12.00pm, Friday 4th October 2019, Cook Islands Standard Time (UTC-10.00, Hawaii).
Download TOR below: