Te Marae Ora is seeking expressions of interest for a contractor to provide services as Medico Legal Advisor. This role will be an advisory and legal representative to the Secretary of Health and Health Executive, providing Medical and Employment law expertise to help shape the design and delivery of Health Services in the Cook Islands. …
Continue reading Contract as Medico Legal AdvisorTia Henderson
The Ministry of Finance and Economic Management (MFEM) is purchasing a Landing Craft Vessel (vessel) for the Cook Islands and invites Expressions of Interest (EOI) from experienced companies interested in operating the vessel on behalf of Government. The vessel will be based in Rarotonga and operate within Cook Islands waters providing shipping services to and …
Continue reading Landing Craft Vessel OperatorMINISTRY OF FINANCE AND ECONOMIC MANAGEMENT The Ministry of Finance and Economic Management invites applications from individuals who are interested in playing an integral role in the Cook Islands purchasing, sales and project support. If you are then send through your application for the following vacancy. Administration Officer This position will be responsible for providing …
Continue reading MFEM Vacancy -Administration Officer