Tenders are requested for the procurement of a medical incinerator for the Rarotonga Hospital.  This request for tender (RFT) is in 5 parts namely:

  1. Complete removal of existing medical incinerator from Rarotonga Hospital
  2. Supply and install of new medical incinerator
  3. Extension of shed for new medical incinerator
  4. Supply and stall of fencing for new medical incinerator
  5. Extension of sorting shed

The tenderer is permitted to tender on any one or more parts of the tender or as a whole of the RFT, but the tender must be for the whole requirements of that part as per the RFT.

All prices quoted must be inclusive of freight, duty, wharfage, handling and delivery to the Rarotonga Hospital.

Tender Submission

Tenders shall be submitted EITHER:

Hard Copy Submission – Original hard copy tenders shall be packaged and labelled “CONFIDENTIAL” and have the following information clearly exhibited on the outside:

  • Cook Islands Ministry of Health
  • Tender Reference No: CK171816
  • Closing Time: 4:00PM (CI Time) Thursday 14th December 2017

Hard copy tenders must be placed in the Tender Box located at the Funding and Planning office of the Cook Islands Ministry of Health in Tupapa and submitted in the format contained in Attachment 2 – Forms to be submitted, by the due date. Failure to do so will result in the tender being disqualified.


Electronic Copy Submission – Electronic copy tenders must be submitted through the Electronic Tender Account in the format contained in Attachment 2 – Forms to be submitted, by the due date.  Failure to do so will result in the tender being disqualified.  The default portal is the Asia Pacific Public Electronic Procurement Network e-GP System (refer The title and reference number of this document is the tender identifier. The receipt time on the inbox will be used as the receipt time for the purposes of ensuring a tender is within the time limits.

Tender Closing Time

Tenders must be received by the Electronic Tender Account or in the tender box specified by the following deadline, or they will not be considered.

Closing Time and Date: 4:00PM (CI Time) Thursday 14th December 2017

It is the tenderer’s responsibility to ensure that their tender reaches the Tender Box, located at the Funding and Planning office of the Cook Islands Ministry of Health in Tupapa and/or posted to the Electronic Tender Account ( by the specified closing date and time.

Late tenders will not be accepted.

The Request for Tender documentation may be uplifted from the Funding and Planning Office of the Cook Islands Ministry of Health in Tupapa, and is also available on the following websites:

Contact Officer

Name of Person: Vaine Ngatokorua
Senior Finance Officer
Cook Islands Ministry of Health, Tupapa, Rarotonga, Cook Islands
(682)29664 ext. 704

Tender Registration

Prospective tenderers should register their interest to participate in this RFT process by registering on the Cook Islands Government E-Government Procurement portal at:

Should there be any issues registering, please advise the contact officer.

Only registered tenderers will receive notices directly as and when they are issued.  It is the responsibility of the tenderer to ensure they are properly registered for this RFT.  The Principal reserves the right to extend the list of registered Tenderers beyond those who register interest in this RFT.

Dowload Tender Documents below:

CK171816 – RFT Medical Incinerator for Rarotonga Hospital

Appendix 1 – Tech Drawing

Appendix 2 – Plan


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