Study of Foreign Investment in the Cook Islands
Request for Quote for Consultancy Services
The Ministry of Finance and Economic Management (MFEM) seek a suitably qualified company or individual to submit a quote for the Study of Foreign Investment in the Cook Islands.
The project is aimed gaining a greater understanding of the current stock of foreign investment in the Cook Islands and the subsequent socio-economic impacts. It is expected that the results of the study will shape future changes to the Cook Islands Investment Code.
There are three main outcomes for study:
- Government has information on the level and composition of foreign direct investment in the Cook Islands.
- The socio-economic impacts of current levels of foreign direct investment on the Cook Islands are understood.
- Future impacts of foreign direct investment are assessed and relevant policy recommendations are provided.
Deadline to submit a proposal is 4:00 p.m. Friday, 19 January 2018.
Proposals can be submitted in hard copy format or electronic copy to MFEM attention Natalie Cooke, or email via .
For any enquiries and copies of the Terms of Reference please contact Natalie Cooke, phone: +682 29-511 or via the email provided above.
Download TOR below:
RFQ CK171818_TOR – Study of FDI in the Cook Islands