Tender RMD_AEOI System (CK171813)
Supply and Implementation of Software Solution, Training and Service
The Revenue Management Division (the Cook Islands Tax Authority) wishes to comply as a participant in the Multilateral Competent Authority Agreement (MCCA) which involves implementing a Common Reporting Standard (CRS) to enable the exchange of information under the OECD global standard on Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI).
This tender is for the implementation of a software solution that receives CRS information from Financial Intuitions and exchanges that information with foreign tax jurisdictions along with staff training, ongoing upgrades and service support.
The essential requirements for the Principal are functions that enable:
- Financial Institutions to register and file on-line their CRS information with RMD in a timely, secure and self-service environment in compliance with AEOI standards.
- The Principal to exchange CRS information using the Common Transmission Standard (CTS) in a timely and secure manner in compliance with AEOI standards.
- The Principal must be ready to register and receive Financial Institution CRS reporting obligations by 31 March 2018
The RFT document is available from the Cook Islands Government e-Procurement website https://intendhost.co.uk/adbprocurementnetwork/aspx/Home.
All enquiries should be directed to Andrew Simmonds, Telephone +682 29365 Ext 8216, Email andrew.simmonds@cookislands.gov.ck.
This tender closes at 5.00pm Monday, 20th November 2017 (Cook Islands time).
All tender submissions must be deposited in the tender box located at the RMD Customer Services reception, 1st Floor Ministry of Finance and Economic Management, Avarua, Rarotonga, Cook Islands or into the e-Procurement mailbox.
Download the Tender Documents below: