Request for Tender (RFT): Cook Islands Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessments (V & A)
Ministry of Finance and Economic Management (MFEM)
MFEM through the Development Coordination Division invites tenders from suitable providers to carry out Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessments on all islands in the Cook Islands.
There are three parts to this RFT:
1. Development of V & A methodology
2. V & A Assessments and
3. Atoll Impacts Analysis for the northern group islands.
The full RFT documents can be downloaded here;
Tenders shall be submitted in either hard copy or electronic copy by the following deadline, or they will not be considered:
RFT Closing Time and Date: 3.00pm (CI Time) 06th March 2023
It is the Bidder’s responsibility to ensure that their submission is delivered in hard copy or posted to the Electronic Tender Account : by the specified closing date and time.
All enquiries should be directed to the Contact Officer for this tender:
Ms. Krystina Tatuava
Climate Change NDA Consultant, Office of the Prime Minister
+(682) 25494 Ext 7009| E-mail: