Request for Proposals: Meteorological Service Providers
Cook Islands Upper-Air Observing System
Cook Islands Meteorological Service

The Ministry of Transport through the Cook Islands Meteorological Service (CIMS), invites proposals from suitable providers for the supply of technical services to support their upper-air observing system. The scope of the services will include review of existing upper-air observing systems; preparation and implementation of a return-to-service plan including supply, installation and commissioning of any necessary equipment; preparation of operational manuals and safety documents; training; maintenance and repairs of equipment into the future.

The full Request for Proposals can be downloaded here.
There is a strong preference for service providers located in New Zealand, Australia and the South Pacific region.

Proposals must be received by the Electronic Tender Account by the following deadline, or they will not be considered:
RFP Closing Time and Date: 4.00pm (CI Time) Friday 10th February 2023
It is the Bidder’s responsibility to ensure that their submission is posted to the Electronic Tender Account (, by the specified closing date and time.

All enquiries should be directed to the Contact Officer for this tender:

Name of Person: Matt Blacka
Title: National Programme Implementation Manager, Climate Change Cook Islands
Phone: : +(682) 25494 | E-mail:

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