The Ministry of Finance and Economic Management (MFEM) seek a suitably qualified company or individual to submit a quote for Economic Development Conference Technical Assistance.
Expert Technical Assistance (TA) services are required to design and facilitate an Economic Development Conference to be held in Rarotonga on 22 October 2019 (TBC). The conference will inform the subsequent development of a Cook Islands Economic Development Strategy.
The purpose of the Economic Development Conference TA is to:
Design an efficient, effective and professional Conference schedule;
provide expert facilitation services, for the plenary and breakout sessions – including training and managing facilitators (engaged by MFEM) for the breakout sessions; and
accurately record and make available relevant content arising from the Conference discussions — high level summary at the Conference, and more detail later.
Deadline to submit a proposal is 4.00 pm, 10 September 2019.
Proposals can be submitted in hard copy format or electronic copy to MFEM attention Natalie Cooke, or email via .
For any enquiries and copies of Terms of reference please contact Natalie Cooke on phone: +682 29-511 or via the email provided above.
Download Terms of Reference Below: