Manatua Submarine Cable Installation
Terrestrial Trenching, Duct and Manhole Works
Avaroa Cables Limited wish to acquire the services of a suitably qualified contractor to complete trench excavation, duct installation, manhole construction and road reinstatement on Rarotonga and Aitutaki under the “MANATUA SUBMARINE CABLE INSTALLATION: TERRESTRIAL TRENCHING, DUCTING AND MANHOLE WORKS” contract.
Prospective tenderers should ensure they are registered accordingly on the Cook Islands E-Government Procurement portal at:
This tender will be listed under Category 72141126 – Underground utilities construction service.
Prospective Tenderers should include this category when registering on the system.
Tender closes: 9:00am, Tuesday 4th June 2019 (Note: closing date has been extended) and must be submitted as per requirements of the RFT
All enquires to be directed to contact officer
Edwin Utanga
Download tender documents below: