1. Short to Long-Term Consultancy Services
  2. Registration of Trades Services
  3. Supply of Resources and Machinery Hireage


The Ministry of Infrastructure Cook Islands (ICI) extends an invitation for Expression of Interest from qualified and experienced individuals or companies.  The objective of this process is to build a panel of preapproved consultants, trades services and resources supply that can be engaged when required to provide professional services to ICI when the need arises.  The common sought after services as per the advertisements includes:

  1. Engineering design, advice, construction supervision, feasibility study, design and peer reviews of designs;

a) Civil Engineering– road pavement and surfacing, bridges/culverts, aerodromes, harbours, wharves, coastal protection, water supply, storm water and flood management, wastewater including treatment, solid waste.

b) Mechanical Engineering

c) Structural Engineering – including structural elements covered in a) above

d) Electrical Engineering

e) Architectural Services

f) Project management, reporting, secretariat services, and contract administration.

2. Trade Services

a) Civil, Structural and Architectural CAD drafting services

b) Land clearing, earthworks, Landscaping services

c) Electrical Services

d) Welding and fabrication services

e) Plumbing and drain laying services

f) Civil Construction – Earthworks, retaining walls, bridges, drainage, road pavement and surfacing, coastal protection and general civil construction.

g) General Concrete construction,

h) Tiling and block laying services

i) Carpentry, and Building services

j) Liquid waste collection and disposal

k) Water Tank (fabricators, liner installers etc)

3. Supply of Resources and Machinery Hireage

a) Aggregates (various types and standards) including Basecourse, hard fill ext.

b) Natural Gravel/Sand, top soil, back fill materials

c) Armour rocks (Basalt)

d) Concrete Supply

e) Machinery hireage (dry and wet hire) and hireage of operators

As a preapproved consultant, trade and supply services in your area(s) of specialisation you will have greater opportunities for providing services. You will be included on the allocated list of your interested areas for ICI use, and will be contracted directly as services are required.

Short-term contracts include intermittent services, hourly to monthly services, and work valued at less than $30,000.


  1. Applicants must register their interest by emailing the Contact Officer Fred Hosking, fred.hosking@cookislands.gov.ck
  2. Only fully completed Application Forms will be assessed. Please complete all sections relevant to your specialisation areas. For example if you are only applying for the consultancy section you can ignore the trade services and supply services sections.
  3. Section 4 must be signed and dated, and every other page initialled (box in the bottom right-hand corner of page).
  4. Application Forms can be emailed (emails below) or delivered to ICI’s office in Arorangi, in a sealed envelope, labelled:

Confidential – Application Forms for Expression of Interest

Ngametua Pokino, Secretary

Infrastructure Cook Islands

 Emailed to: ngametua.pokino@cookislands.gov.ck


  1. Applications close 3pm, Monday 18th September 2017. – Closing date has been extended to close 3pm, Monday 25th September 2017.


  1. Applications will be assessed for suitability in the chosen area(s) of specialisation. A weighted criteria methodology will be applied to assess scores:
Criteria Maximum Score

–          Suited to specialisation




–          Relevant to specialisation

–          Years of experience




Price 55
Total Score 100


  1. A score of 50 or more will place you on the panel.
  2. More details may be requested, or referees contacted, if required.
  3. You will be advised of the outcome of your application within 2 weeks from the closing of the application process.


  1. A completed Application Form is an offer to provide short to long-term consultancy services and registration of trade services and supply of resources and machineries to Infrastructure Cook Islands hereinafter referred to as ‘Ministry’ when required.
  2. By completing and signing this form you are confirming that:

a. The contents of this form are to the best of your knowledge true and correct.

b. You are allowing your details to be released to other divisions within ICI if you are successful in your proposed area of specialisation.

c. Your rates will apply to all project, services required by the Ministry if contracted on an hourly or daily basis.

d. Your rates will be the maximum charge-out rates for a period of 24 months from the date signed.

  1. We confirm that, if you are considered suitable in your respective area/specialisation:

a. Your rates will be held in confidence within Ministry.

b. The Ministry will enter into a service contract with you directly for services required. Your acceptance of the terms and conditions of each contract is at your discretion.

c. You may choose to accept or reject an offer for services at any time.

  1. The Ministry will consider the particular skills, attributes, and geographic location of each Panel member when allocating work and negotiating any Service Contract. Being a panel member does not automatically guarantee that you will be contracted to provide services.

Download Documents Below:

Application for Expressions of Interest Final 1.9.2017




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