Request for Tenders – Arutanga Harbour Phase 2 Project Management Unit

The Cook Islands Investment Corporation invites suitably qualified Consultants (Tenderers) to bid for the Arutanga Harbour Phase 2 Project Management Unit contract.

The Arutanga Harbour Phase 2 Project (the ‘Project) is approximately thirteen (13) months in duration, commencing November 2023.

Tenderers should ensure they are registered and have downloaded or received all files for this RFT including all prospective notices. Responses to this RFT must be for the whole of the Services described in the Terms of Reference.

The Consultants key personnel must, individually or collectively as a team, possess the following qualifications and experience:

  1. Project Management:
  • 7 years project management experience
  • Formal Project Management qualification
  • 5 years experience in public sector procurement, senior management, or project management
    1. Civil engineering:
  • Bachelors Degree in Civil Engineering
  • 10 years engineering experience
  • 5 years project engineering experience in Cook Islands or similar pacific island context.

It is required that the Consultant have a minimum of two (2) key personnel assigned to the Project for the full duration.

Tenders must be received by the Electronic Tender Account by the following deadline, or they will not be considered:

Extended: Tender Closing Time and Date: 9am (CI Time) Monday 2 October 2023

Electronic Tender Account:

Any further information or clarification required by a Tenderer in relation to this RFT must be directed to:

Name of Person:              Anne Taoro





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