Request for Quotes: RA-Local Consultant to Support the Development of National Climate Sector Framework and Action Plan

The Development Coordination Division (DCD) of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Management (MFEM) is inviting quotations for a Local Consultant to assist with the development of key institutional and strategic planning documents to guide the implementation of climate and ocean services in the Cook Islands. The key outputs from the consultancy will include the Cook Islands National Framework for Weather, Climate and Ocean Services (NFWCOS), Climate-Sector Action and Communication Plan (CSACP) and sector-based stakeholder training programs.

This assignment is expected to be carried out by a person or persons with relevant experience and qualifications in the drafting of institutional mechanisms and strategic planning documents, and preferably with knowledge of climate science: weather, climate and ocean services. The assignment will include intermittent work across a 10-month window with the NFWCOS to be drafted in 2023, while the CSACP and training programs will be completed early in 2024.

Interested suppliers are requested to submit a quote to undertake the scope of works outlined within the RFQ. The forms can be obtained by registering your interest on the Cook Islands Government Procurement Portal:  and downloading all files relating to this RFQ.

Submission of Quotations must be submitted via the Procurement Portal before the deadline for submission of quotes: 4.00pm (CI Time) Tuesday 15th August 2023.

Indicative contract start date:   September 2023

Any questions relating to this RFQ must be in writing via e-mail and directed to the Contact Person:

Any questions in relation to this RFQ should be addressed to:

Tatiana Paulo

PECIKS National Finance Manager, Development Coordination Division

Ministry of Finance and Economic Management, Rarotonga, Cook Islands

Email address:



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