A National Environment Service Consultancy to produce the Cook Islands Sixth National Report (6NR) to the Convention on Biological Diversity

The terms of reference may be collected from the National Environment Service office, located at Tupapa or from the following websites;



Closing date is 3 PM 29th November 2019. 

All applications MUST include a letter of interest and a workplan to achieving the consultancy outputs, CV, and marked “Confidential” and addressed to:


National Environment Service


P.O.Box 371


For enquiries please contact Ms Louisa Karika & Elizabeth Munro on telephone 21-256 or email louisa.karika@cookislands.gov.ck OR  elizabeth.munro@cookislands.gov.ck

Download TOR Below:

Cook Is Consultant TOR for 6NR 2019 final




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