Marae Moana


Request for Proposals

Marae Moana, the Cook Islands Marine Park, is established primarily to protect and conserve the ecological, biodiversity and heritage values of the Cook Islands marine environment.

The scope of the Marae Moana Policy includes activities on land that affect the marine environment. Since the passing of the Marae Moana Act 2017, the Marae Moana Council and Technical Advisory Group are established, their membership confirmed, rules and procedures developed and work commenced.

This work includes developing a 3-year action plan, a communications strategy and a marine spatial plan for the Cook Islands Exclusive Economic Zone.

This work is co-financed by a Global Environment Facility (GEF)-funded Ridge to Reef Project, which is administered by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and managed by the National Environment Service.

The goal of the Ridge to Reef project is to “build national and local capacities and actions to ensure effective conservation of biodiversity, food security, livelihoods and the enhancement of ecosystem functions that contribute to food security and livelihoods within the Cook Islands Marine Park (CIMP)”.

The project recognises that ridge to reef approaches are multidisciplinary and require collaboration across a wide range of agencies, organisations and the community to achieve its goal.

The Marae Moana Coordination Office within the Office of the Prime Minister requires independent contractors to do two separate pieces of work:

  1. The development of a Sustainable Financing Mechanism for Ridge to Reef Approaches and Protected Area Management within Marae Moana
  2. Communications work including press releases and the completion of a Marae Moana Communications Strategy

For Terms of Reference and other details, please contact

Proposals for this work are due 3rd Sep 2018. 


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